Council Services

What is it? 

  • The library offers a gateway to all Council services by providing a website where individuals in the community can directly communicate with the Council.

How does it work?

  • Web pages are created by by library staff for the council to list all relevant services.

  • MARC 21 tags are then generated to hold all details advertisers enter including images.

  • The pages will be available in the main library catalogue where users can search for the council services that are available.
  • Appointments may be made online using the library service booking facilities. 
  • Users can monitor their communications with the Council through their library log in. 
  • The Council hosts can manage their meetings via a portal.
  • All bookings and payments can be made directly through the library account system.

Example Income Profile:

The library system is a master catalogue that can comfortably manage all library and council services in one comapct website.

It is possible for a Council to save more than £100,000 in IT systems, if the library management system was used in a broader context.
