Accommodation, B&B’s and Spare Room Websites


What is it?

  • A library can allow those with accommodation to advertise to potential customers through their website. The library can take commission for providing this service. 

How does it work?

  • Web pages are created by library staff for advertisers to enter information into.

  • MARC 21 tags are then generated to hold all details advertisers enter including images

  • A more personalised service can be provided by using an ‘accommodation finder service’ which allows users to register their details.

  • Some sites provide a ‘venue portal’ which encourages venues to keep details of their accommodation, meeting rooms and images up to date.

  • This venue portal allows advertisers to manage enquiries meaning that you do not need to.


Example Income Profile:

200 bookings for 5 working days at £100 a night with a commission rate of 15%

200 (bookings) X 5 (days each) X £100 (per night) = £100,000

15% of £100,000= £15,000 per week

The numbers of bookings being taken will depend on several factors such as the location of your library and its resources.
