247lib.com Library Software: Z39.50 Client Module
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”- Henry Ford
What Is Z39.50?
- The Z39.50 protocol is an International standard which allows libraries to access and use the catalogue records of other libraries worldwide.
- The British Library, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Scotland and the National Library of Wales are just a few of the major libraries whose catalogues are accessible by the Z39.50 protocol.
- Importing professional catalogue definitions means that cataloguing is faster, more consistent and completed to a professional standard.
Why Choose Us?
- The 247lib.com library software includes support for Z39.50, allowing you to catalogue faster and search the catalogue records of other libraries. This service is provided at no extra charge.
What We Offer
- 247lib.com support three levels of Z39.50:
- ZClient – Library staff can quickly import catalogue records from other libraries.
- ZServer – Other libraries can access and import your catalogue records.
- ZOPAC - Your users can search other libraries through your library catalogue allowing them to view their collections. It supports library groups by displaying circulation status and bibliographical holdings.
Contact Us
- For more information about the benefits that our library software can bring your library Contact Us by e-mail at Support@247lib.com or telephone +44(0)1256 300 790.