Car Parking/Electric Car Charging Points

What is it?

  • The online catalogue allows organisations to advertise available car parking slots and allows the public to book slots. The library can take commission for providing this service.

How does it work?

  • Web pages are created by library staff for advertisers to enter information into.
  • MARC 21 tags are then generated to hold all details advertisers enter including images.
  • Users can then search for this service on the library website.
  • Bookings and payments can be made directly through the library account system.

Example Income Profile:

100 parking spaces for 1 week (7 days) at £6 a day with a comission rate of 20%

100 (spaces) x 7 (days) x £6 (each day) = £4,200

20% of £4,200 = £840 a week
