Training Courses

What is it? 

  • Training courses available in the local areas can be advertised on the library's website. The library can take commission for providing this service. 

How does it work?

  • Web pages are created by library staff for advertisers to enter information into.
  • MARC 21 tags are then generated to hold all details advertisers enter including images.
  • The pages will be available in the main library catalogue which allow users to search for rooms and register enquiries.
  • Bookings and payments for training courses can be made directly through the library account system.
  • This service provides Social Value to the community. 



Example Income Profile:

30 courses per month with 10 sign ups each at an averge of £15 each with a comission rate of 15%

30 (courses) x10 (sign ups) x £15 (each) = £4,500

15% of £3,750 = £675 per month
